Grant Recipients

  • Kayla Hays | Chippewa, WI | Age: 30

    For Kayla, horseback riding is one of the few activities that allows her to completely relax. Kayla loves how calming it is to be around her horse, Bailey, and to learn how to communicate with her.
  • Sofia Valdez | Alameda, CA | Age: 9

    When Sofia is dancing it allows her to forget about having CF, she just enjoys it. She finds moving to the music and not worrying about her breathing is like meditating.
  • Breana Schroeder | Long Beach, CA | Age: 12

    Breana’s love for gymnastics and swimming made her think that she would excel in diving. Immediately after trying it she knew she knew she had been right.
  • Jonathan Sautter | Los Angeles, CA | Age: 9

    Jonathan loves to swim. He loves being in the water and feeling light and he knows that swimming helps him breathe better and makes his lungs stronger.
  • Veronica Walsh | Wilmington, MA | Age: 13

    Veronica is a very busy sixth grader who plays soccer six days a week in the Fall and Spring, and also skis and plays basketball in the winter. She is very tough and doesn’t let CF get her down.
  • Cynthia Cram | Los Angeles, CA | Age: 31

    After leaving her job Cynthia could no longer afford to have a gym membership and had to give it up.
  • Sharla Smock | Newhall, CA | Age: 32

    Sharla’s true passion is horseback riding, but sadly last year because of a decline in her health she was advised by her doctors to no longer do it because of the dirt and dust.
  • Jamie Nichols | Richfield, MN | Age: 19

    Jamie is an avid basketball player but after he tore his ACL last year it become harder for him to keep up with his teammates; having a knee injury and CF.
  • Erin Gunn | Los Angeles, CA | Age: 42

    Erin received her CF diagnosis later in life, less than a year into her new marriage with her husband and just a few days after their first child was born.
  • Kristin Wynia | North Vernon, IN | Age: 20

    When Kristin finished high school she found it hard to continue exercising without the organized sports she had always taken part in.


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