5 Strategies That Will Stop a Temper Tantrum in its Tracks

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Lara Govendo

Let's be honest, even adults have temper tantrums. I know that I do. Having Cystic Fibrosis can be overwhelming, frustrating, and downright irritating when you don't feel well. And when that lasts...for a long time.... I find myself having a temper tantrum and saying things like: "Today is stupid" or "I don't have to do anything, I'm sick..." etc etc. You get the drift. Patience wears thin and I just don't want to talk to anyone unnecessarily. In these fuming moments, I remember what I've added to my tool box that I can pull out to use and turn my attitude around which inevitably improves my health, too.

1. Make a gratitude list

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“But there's nothing going right, everything stinks right now!” Sometimes, especially when we are sick, we need to dig deep and find something to be grateful for. Start with the basics - do you have a roof over your head? Food in your belly? People that love you? Too often we take for granted the simple things in life that we have been blessed with. You will find when you start your list that you will be able to come up with things to be thankful for that you never thought of. Revel in that moment…things aren’t really that bad, they could be worse. Gratitude can change your attitude quick!

2. Reframe the situation
"Tell me one good thing about today" - this is something that I ask my clients in each session. It gets you into the practice of finding something that is going right in your life. Because when it feels like everything is going wrong...you're sick and tired of being sick and tired....this is when you need to rise up and focus on the positives. What we focus on, we will get more of. So… Where is your focus? Do you need a shift? Evaluate where your head is at and readjust as necessary. Number one really helps with this one, too.

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3. Help someone
This one sounds weird, right? How can you help someone when you are sick? Easy! Encourage someone. Inspire them. Lend an ear when they need to vent. Do something with what you have in front of you. The thing is, when we take the focus off of ourselves and our own problems, then we in a way forget about them. They don't affect us as much as if our sole focus is our problems. When we are stuck in a place where our only focus is ourselves and how sick we are, it sets us up for the victim role (woe is me). We become negative and jaded because we are sick and can't do anything (or so we think). This is our brightest time to shine in someone else’s life. We can show them that despite our struggles, we can function past them and help others. What a beautiful thing, huh?

4. Take some deep breaths - pray, meditate
Even though breathing is hard, really focus on your breath. Put your shoulders back, sturdy your arms on a table or the back of a chair and do deep breathing with your diaphragm (belly breaths). This will calm you down and get you in the practice of using your whole lungs. Additionally, you can stretch your chest to expand your breaths. Praying is a great tool (depending on your spiritual beliefs) for bringing peace to your situation. Meditating calms your breathing, empties your mind, and relaxes you. Find what works for you, and make it a daily practice. This will help you become more at ease and less reactive to things beyond your control (which we encounter a lot, let's be honest).

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5. Talk to one of your people
We all have at least one person that we can talk to at any given time. Think hard, and make a list of these people. This way, you don't have to think about who it is you can call, you can check your list and contact them immediately. Maybe it's somebody that you live with...maybe it's a best friend that lives far away...maybe it's a family member that you are close with. Whoever your person(s) is, write them down. Call them when you need encouragement. Lean on them when you need help. Ask them to remind you of how far you have come. Positive, uplifting words are like honey to the soul. So sweet and rejuvenating. That's what these people are there for. And yes, they want to be there for you, so allow them to do so. (which can be really hard sometimes). But the truth is that we all need each other. That's why humans were created - for relationship with one another. So call your people to help get you through these times, too.

These 5 easy strategies come in handy in those times of desperation where all you feel like doing is crying, hiding, and telling the world to go away. We’ve all experienced the tough times…but it’s how we deal with those tough times that determine how fulfilling our lives will be. Having the right tools to work through the difficulties will get you back to thriving in no time…you just have to use them!


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Lara is a 28 year old CFer living in a small town in Vermont as a mental health counselor. She enjoys being in nature, spending time with her boyfriend, family & friends, and finding new ways to stay healthy. Lara is passionate about Jesus, encouraging others, and living life to the fullest! You can follow her over on her blog at: www.hoperestorationstation.com or stay connected with her on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/hoperestorationstation


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