Climb Every Mountain

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Barbara Harison

I was fortunate to take a 2-week trip in September to Germany and Austria. I stayed healthy the entire trip. Yeah! Traveling with my husband, Rich, we toured Bavaria and the Tyrol Alps region of Austria. The Tyrol region has 70 Three Thousanders (mountains with peaks over 3,000 meters) and is popular ski area with Innsbruck as its capitol city. It will literally take your breath away. Much of the land in the Tyrol is in nature preserves with accessible hiking and bike trails.

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Great places climb mountains and give your lungs a challenge! The Alps with clean, dry air and lots of sunshine have been known as a place for health since the late 1800’s. Another great health advantage is that Austria, Germany and Switzerland have high cleanliness standards. Great for easing worries about sanitation when traveling and using public facilities. 

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We had visited parts of Austria and Germany 30 years ago but not these areas. Our trip 30 years ago was a bit different, traveling over six months to thirteen (13) countries; we had no fixed itinerary and were riding the rails from place to place. Of course we were younger then and I did not know I had CF. My sister died from CF at age 21 so I knew I was a carrier with symptoms.  I had lung problems but I kept on trekking, following dreams and living life. It was a terrific adventure and we did stay married beyond that trip; actually just celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary. I did get sick a few times on that trip and we would have to take a break in one location for several days to recover. I was diagnosed with CF just four years ago and only since then have I gotten the benefit of the latest treatments and feel much better than I did years ago. Ready for a travel opportunity, new people and new places!

Our travel for this trip was by a car that we picked up at the BMW Welt in Munich.  This made for fun travel and site seeing on our own schedule. We rented an apartment at Haus Jaegerheim in Leutasch, Austria for a week. This provided a home base so we didn’t need to deal with packing every few days. It was also great for keeping up the daily nebulized treatments. I did not take a Vest just the Acapella and relied on exercise in the Alpine air to stay healthy. It worked!

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The Leutasch Valley is a rural area at an elevation of approximately 3,000 feet. At home in California, I live at sea level. Fortunately I did not have trouble adapting to this elevation and staying active with a lung capacity of 50%. But it was difficult for me when we were above 5,000 feet climbing uphill, visiting Alpine villages to reach the huts or waterfalls. I did what I could but could not keep up with Rich. But I never could!  I did get out of breath and have to stop to catch my breath yet still tried to climb every mountain. I also cheated; took advantage of the funiculars and trams set up for skiers on the Alpine slopes.  This was the easy way to get to 6,000 feet or above and the reward was lunch at the restaurant and trails leading around the plateau or hillside to great views.

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It was all worth the effort, the views of jagged snowcapped mountains, lakes, streams and waterfalls offered an outdoor paradise. Not only did we get great exercise; the outdoors rejuvenated body and spirit, inspired the senses and makes space for new perspectives. The people were friendly and the culture is colorful as we visited castles, museums, onion domed churches and villages. 

If the Alps are on your bucket list follow that dream; climb that mountain or swim in a lake it is all there for the taking. It may take your breath away at times but you won’t be disappointed. 


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