"Free Spirit With A Wild Heart"

Posted by: 
Erin Evans

I had known Vicki for a few years before finally meeting her face to face in 2014 at Champ's Challenge, one of our fundraising events in Vermont. I was struck immediately by two things, one, how could she fit all that light and energy into such a small frame, and two, how could I be more like her? We met one other time in Boston for a CFLF board retreat and again I found myself in awe of her. I’m pretty sure I remember her showing up to the restaurant where the retreat was being held via skateboard. (Am I remembering that correctly, Bridget?) Okay, maybe it was a long board… 

Media Folder: 
Either way, she filled the room with her smart, funny, kind, and energetic presence. It was also comforting that there was another person there, besides myself, trying to stifle their cough and wearing a winter coat (indoors) on an October day.

Media Folder: 

Over the years I have gotten to know Vicki more and more through her writing, both in the many pieces she sent me for the CFLF blog and from our personal email exchanges. For a while we always seemed to be sick at the same time, or going through the same CF related thing. When I read her blog posts for the first time I would always find myself nodding, and thinking, yes, EXACTLY. She could so easily put into words the challenges and small victories that come with CF.

A few days before she passed away I sent her a song that one of my best friends had just sent me. Vikci often snuck in song suggestions to her blogs and it was clear, even without her saying it, that music was an important part of her life. Something told me she needed to hear this one. I sent it to her not knowing if she’d be able to listen to it or would even want to. She responded within the hour, a brief message but with enough exclamation points that I knew she had truly loved the song as much as I did. It’s a version of a song that was never recorded. It’s spontaneous, from the heart, and absolutely beautiful in its "imperfections." Just like Vicki.

I found out later from a facebook post from one of her friends that she always wore a bracelet that had “Free Spirit With a Wild Heart" etched into it. It made sense even more that she had loved the song. Now some of her friends are selling those bracelets to raise money for Vicki's family. I’ve listened to that song I sent her probably over 100 times in the last week and thought of Vicki and her free spirit, and wild heart each time. So, in true Vicki style, I’m strongly suggesting you listen to this song…




When I heard the news of Vicki's passing, like so many others, I wanted answers and more than anything wanted to hear her, Vicki. I wanted her to tell me what to do, what to think, and how to make sense of it all. I started reading and re-reading through her blogs and our emails back and forth. She always knew just what to say, even now. Especially now.

So this week, to celebrate Vicki’s life and all the things she has given us, we’re sharing all of the blogs that she wrote so you can read through them too, and hear so clearly, her voice, her strong spirit, and be reminded of the full and beautiful life she lived so well.

(From oldest to newest)





































































































































































































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