Inspiration x 2 : An Interview with Andrea and Alyson Hoffman

Posted by: 
Erin Evans

Earlier this year the CFLF was excited to award CF Recreation Grants to twins Andrea and Alyson Hoffman from Ohio to help them pursue their dreams of running a half marathon. Their grants went toward professional training for the marathon for themselves and their peer support people, Carlie and Wyatt.

At just 14 years old Andrea and Alyson know the importance of staying active and are an inspiration to others with (and without) CF. Going above and beyond, they decided to give back to the CFLF by fundraising through their training so that other people with CF could get grants like they did to stay active by doing something they love. They created "Team H.E.A.L." which stands for "Hoffman's Exercising Adding Life".

On October 18th Andrea, Alyson, Carlie, and Wyatt, (Team H.E.A.L.) will run in the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Marathon, in Columbus Ohio.  Please help them reach their goal of raising $2,500 by making a donation to their Fundrasing Page today. By raising $2,500 they are allowing the CFLF to award five more Recreation Grants to people like them who want to reach their goals. As of the time of this article, they had rased $2,085 to help the CFLF.

Andrea and Alyson took a few minutes out of their busy lives to answer some questions we had for them...


First of all, tell us a little bit about yourselves...

Andrea: I am 14 years old and I live in Marion, Ohio.  I like to play softball and I am very interested in history.

Alyson: My name is Alyson and I am 14 ½ years old and I live in Marion, Ohio.  I love to play softball and hang out with friends.

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What sparked your interested in trying to run a half marathon?

Andrea: I have always wanted to do something crazy like this!  My aunt ran both a half-marathon and a full marathon and it sounded like a cool idea.

Alyson:  My sister!  She said that she wanted to accomplish running a half-marathon.  I thought she was joking at first, but she wasn’t, and now her goal has become my goal, and our goals of running are coming true.


What’s the longest distance you’ve run so far?

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Andrea: We train/run three times a week.  Right now we are running 4, 5, and 6 miles.  We are on target to meet our goal.

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Alyson: We are running three to four times a week in all kinds of weather: hot, humid, rain etc.  We are up to running 6 miles without stopping.  Our trainer is helping us to pace ourselves so that we can finish the half-marathon.


How have your peer support people benefited your training experience so far?

Andrea: Our friends have supported us through the training process by not letting me quit.  When things get rough it is so tempting to quit.  They are right there cheering me on.

Alyson: At first I thought that we could do it alone, but quickly realized the importance of having our friends train and run with us.  They have pushed me and have helped me to do better and to reach my goals.


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What is your training schedule?

Andrea: (see above)

Alyson: We are running 15-20 miles per week total.  We are on target to meet our goals.


How has your recreation grant from the CFLF affected your lives and what does receiving this award mean to you?

Andrea: It has shown me that I can do anything if I really want to.  It has affected my life in a positive way.  I love that there are grants for those living with cystic fibrosis so that we can participate in getting and staying healthy.

Alyson: The grant has helped to change our lives for the better.  It has allowed us to reach our goals and to maintain and improve our health.  It has kept me accountable.  I am very honored to receive the grant and to work towards our goals.

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What gave you the idea to make this run into a fundraiser for the CFLF?

Andrea: I thought that if the CFLF was willing to help me, why can’t I help them to help others?  I wanted to make sure that others with cystic fibrosis have the same opportunities that we did.

Alyson: CFLF gives so much to others, it just seemed natural to give back and raise awareness of CFLF.


What does it mean to you to be able to give back to the CFLF?

Andrea: It means that I can help make a difference.  Helping others to reach and achieve their goals is awesome!

Alyson: It means so much to know that we might make a difference in the lives of others to help others live longer and stronger lives.


What motivates you to reach your goal of running the half marathon?

Andrea: I really want to be able to say that I have met my goal of running a half-marathon.  I also think that it is great to be an example for others.

Alyson: My main motivation is my state of health – I can see and feel a difference!  My lung function is perfect and I feel my lungs getting clearer.  And of course – my friends and family.

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What advice would you give other people with CF in regards to running/staying active?

Andrea: Keep being active!  The more active you are, the better your lung function.  My lung function has improved tremendously and I am staying healthy.

Alyson: As you get older your lungs get sicker.  Why not make a difference now and improve your health through exercise?  I feel so much better!


What are your plans for the future, and do you see yourself always being as active as you are now?

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Andrea: I plan on graduating from high school with a high GPA and attending college and studying history and eventually getting a law degree.  I don’t know if I will continue to run marathons, but I will definitely keep exercise a #1 priority in my life.

Alyson: My plans are to graduate from high school and go to college.  I am looking at becoming a guidance counselor.  I do plan to be very active my whole life.  I feel that exercise is key to a long and healthy life whether or not you have cystic fibrosis.



Please DONATE NOW to help Team H.E.A.L. reach their goal of raising $2,500!!

The CFLF would like to give a big thanks to Team H.E.A.L. and all their supporters for the hard work and determination that they've put into this endeavor. At a time when the financial demand is struggling to keep up with the number of grant requests we get, the money raised through their efforts is going to have a HUGE impact. This is the largest fundraiser that a group outside the CFLF has raised and the CFLF could not be more grateful!

Good luck on October18th Andrea, Alyson, Wyatt, and Carlie!



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