Making A List

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Barbara M. Harison

The holiday season is upon us and we are all busy with holiday parties, gift shopping, and decorating our homes. Keeping up with CF treatments can be more challenging with a hectic schedule.  As an older CF adult I am coming upon my 69th Christmas.  I have been sick for some Christmas holidays but somehow rallied through them and made it to the next year.  

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As I reflect back on many Christmas at my home or other places; it is the people that matter. I have hosted many of the enjoyable family gatherings and have special memories of a Christmas in La Napoule on the French Riviera and another on Abaco Island in the Bahamas.

I decided to share my Christmas LIST with you as in “making a list and checking it twice gonna find out who is naughty or nice, Santa Claus is coming to town.” I hope it will be mostly NICE. 

1.  Stay Healthy – Not surprising this is at top of the list.  I started out 2015 in the hospital with flu and pneumonia; recovered and was fortunate to start Kalydeco in February.  I have had a very healthy year and want to maintain good health into 2016. I plan to be careful at holiday gatherings where germs can be plentiful – keeping my distance, washing hands or using hand sanitizers.  And of course keep up the CF treatment regimen.


2.  Spend Time with Family - The best Christmas memories are those with family and friends wherever the gathering takes place. We will be with friends Christmas Eve and then traveling to Monterey, CA for a family gathering with my brother and sister in law from NY and my sister and family from Chico, CA.  

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We don’t all get together under the same roof very often but we will enjoy time together on the California coast with beach walks in the salty ocean air and site- seeing in Monterey/Carmel area.


3.  Remember Others –My parents and my sister Loretta are no longer here to celebrate Christmas, but I will never forget the holidays we had together. Their spirits are with me now.  I can remember Mom busy baking bread and cookies. My Dad was a bit of Scrooge at Christmas. His allergies would flare up with a Christmas tree in the house but he did hang in there and help out. 

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My sister Loretta was only with us for 20 Christmas holidays as she died from CF at 21 years old. I miss them all and remember our family life together. I will make a trek to the Cemetery soon. My New Year’s resolution is to set myself some deadlines on the family memoirs I have been writing.


4.  Take In a Holiday Event – There are always lots of holiday shows and events to enjoy. We are going to the Parade of Lights at Channel Islands Harbor. We will watch the decorated boat parade and fireworks from a cousin’s boat at the dock.  Also will be going to a local theatre of an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

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5.  Get a Christmas Tree - This may seem obvious, but since I have been married (41 years) to Rich who is good with a saw and ax we go to a local Christmas tree farm and pick out our own tree. So up to Ojai we will go and find a tree to bring home.


6.  Go Christmas Caroling – Singing is good for the lungs and fun to join with others walking through the neighborhood or at a local church.  One year we went on a charter boat caroling trip from Ventura harbor.


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7.  Step Outdoors for Exercise – I am blessed to live on the CA coast with moderate weather all year; great to be outdoors for most any exercise:  beach walking, swimming or golfing.  My exercise regimen is critical to keeping me healthy. It expedites airway clearance, improves lung function and keeps this ageing body stronger. Beats the Vest any day of the week!


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8.  Travel Somewhere Special – We have the trip to Monterey planned and may get another outing in to cultural exhibit or show. We could even head to CA Mountains, where there is actually early snow for winter sports.


9.  Make Charitable Gifts – This is the time of year I finish up my charitable giving for the year. CFLF is at the top of my list and donations are made. I support other CF organizations and several local and national charities. Giving is receiving! When I see a thank you from one of Loretta Morris Fund - CFLF grant recipients it is a gift and makes my day.


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10.  Wish Upon a Star – I wish for a cure for CF to benefit patients and families. This has been a promising year with new drug breakthroughs and research pointing to a cure for CF. I hope others will soon benefit as I have from new drugs and treatments.    


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                                        Wishing all Blog Readers new adventures in 2016!!



*Barbara Morris Harison lives in Ventura, CA and serves on the CFLF Board.  She was diagnosed with CF at age sixty four (64). She lost a sister to CF forty-four (44) years ago. She established the Loretta Morris Memorial Fund with CFLF in 2010. Barbara is retired after a long career in public parks and recreation administration and later managed her own consulting business, Harison & Associates for twenty (20) years.


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