Cynthia Cram

Cynthia Cram | Los Angeles, CA | Age: 31
Recipient Bio: 
After leaving her job Cynthia could no longer afford to have a gym membership and had to give it up. She noticed immediately a drastic change not only in her lungs but also in her energy level and overall mood. She has been trying to find an exercise routine to follow but the classes and support people at her old gym were really what kept her motivated. Cynthia used her recreation grant to get a gym membership for herself and her long-term boyfriend. Cynthia looks forward to starting a family one-day and knows that staying active is key to her future. Her boyfriend has been an important part in helping her find a routine for working out. He has been her support for many years and has helped her set goals for her exercise and helped her to stay motivated to meet those goals.
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