Jenna Strickland

Jenna Strickland | Stratford, CT | Age: 24
Recipient Bio: 
Jenna's favorite physical activity is weight training because it helps with her posture, as well as strengthening her body to help with her breathing. As well as keeping her physically strong she finds that this type of exercise helps her to stay mentally relaxed and in control of her mind and body. Jenna chose to use her grant to get gym memberships for herself and and her peer support person, so that she can continue to weight train. She believes that through hard work and continued exercise she can control and improve her lung function and that this will allow her to accomplish all the things she wants to in life. "Overall weight training helps strengthen my body, posture, reinforces slow, steady and controlled breathing, and aids in healthy weight maintenance. All of these components enables me to better fight my disease and improve my overall quality of life."
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