Sara Martins

Sara Martins | Peabody, MA | Age: 10
Recipient Bio: 
Sara has already been dancing for a number of years and wants to one day be a professional dancer. She used her grant to continue doing dance classes. She loves how dancing makes her work her entire body and how it doesn’t let her think about things like doctor’s appointment or medications or treatments. She also knows the important role dancing has on keeping her lungs strong and clear. It is hard for Sara to see her family and friends not taking pills like she does, she often feels different from her peers. She notices when she gets out of breath and has to stop what she’s doing, when her friends don’t. When she is dancing though she feels like any other kid. She truly believes that she will dance for the rest of her life. “When I grow up I would love to be on Dancing With the Stars or So You Think You Can Dance!”
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