Sharla Smock

Sharla Smock | Newhall, CA | Age: 32
Recipient Bio: 
Sharla’s true passion is horseback riding, but sadly last year because of a decline in her health she was advised by her doctors to no longer do it because of the dirt and dust. She also had to stop working due to repeated lung visits and hospital stays. She started taking classes on-line for college but really needed to start doing something outside her home. Financially she has felt very strained and because she is home most of the time her self-esteem has dropped. “My daily activities have decreased so much in the last couple of years, and I become tired so easily. I just don’t feel good about myself.” Sharla stays optimistic though and knows that finding a workout regimen to fit her lifestyle will have a positive effect on her overall life. She used her recreation grant to get a gym membership where she can go during the week to get back into exercising.
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