Veronica Walsh

Veronica Walsh | Wilmington, MA | Age: 13
Recipient Bio: 
Veronica is a very busy sixth grader who plays soccer six days a week in the Fall and Spring, and also skis and plays basketball in the winter. She is very tough and doesn’t let CF get her down. Even though she misses school frequently due to hospitalizations and illnesses she remains optimistic and knows that she can do anything she puts her mind to. “Having CF just makes things a little bit harder, but I don’t give up no matter how hard it may get.” It is hard for her to keep up with all of her treatments and make-up schoolwork from missing school so much, but she has already learned at a young age how to manage her stress and frustration. She knows that staying active in sports plays a big part in that. She used her recreation grant to continue participating in a soccer league.
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