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Inspirational Bites

In a world where sometimes the negativity is more commonly seen than the positivity, especially in places concerning social media, it’s important to remember that there are leaders out there. There are people spreading love and positivity with their words. When signing onto social media, it’s good to get a boost from inspirational posts. Here are some of my favorite Facebook posts from people who I consider to be inspirational leaders, not letting cystic fibrosis stop them in their life. These are truthful and heartfelt posts from people with CF and parents of children with CF.

Joy of Giving

As the New Year arrived I headed into a new decade of my life and look forward to a healthy year with new opportunities, new adventures and charitable giving. For five years I have experienced the Joy of giving to CFLF in many ways: serving on the Board, writing blogs, assisting with grant writing. But closest to my heart is giving to the Loretta Morris Memorial Fund established with CFLF in 2010.

Precious Moments

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away.”

When I first heard this quote, spoken by the priest who officiated my wedding years ago, it spoke to me. 

Blood Sugar Balance

Many of us with CF also have a diagnosis of CF related diabetes or deal with irregular blood sugars, so I felt compelled to share some ways we can help regulate or balance our blood sugars through nutrition and lifestyle choices.

When I Grow Up

Dr. Denning - Breathe Deep NJ 2011

In 1995, when I was 19 years old, I received some of the most upsetting news of my life.  Dr. Carolyn Denning, the doctor who had diagnosed my brother and I with Cystic Fibrosis in 1974 and 1976 announced her retirement.  While Dr. Denning was like a surrogate mother to me in her treating and care of this disease I was only starting to more fully understand, I knew that she had not only my complete trust, but also the trust of my parents in caring for the two of us.

How to talk about CF so people will listen, and listen so people will talk (about CF)

I’m sure there are other people out there who can relate to the story I’m about to tell. To some it’s all too familiar and in my case it seems to happen a lot because of the work I do at the CFLF. So it goes… I meet someone for the first time, they ask what I do, I tell them I work for the Cystic Fibrosis Lifestyle Foundation and then from hearing the words “cystic fibrosis” they tell me about a friend of a friend, or a distant relative, or someone they knew in college, or their wife’s best friend’s cousin who has (or had CF) and just what an awful disease it is.

The Nature of Broken

“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.”
-Ernest Hemingway

Notes on a Beat-Up Monkey and Miracles

It’s been three full months since I’ve been sick. This is the longest I have not been hospitalized or on IV antibiotics in two years. I’m learning something each and everyday because its taken more than a lot of patience and more than a lot of rest. I still get up every morning and chase my dreams, the sun and the moon. But some mornings I sleep in. I don’t always see the sunrise. Because that’s how it needs to be right now. However, on those days that I don’t get to see the sunrise, I do see the sunset.

The Gift Of Hope

When I was in elementary school I started wishing for a cure for CF. Each year when I blew out my birthday candles that’s the wish I made. I wished out of curiosity. I wished because I didn't like being different. I wished because it seemed like other people wished I didn't have CF. And then after my 18th birthday I didn't wish anymore.

Tis the Season...for germs.

I love this time of year and the spirit of the holidays that comes with it, however, I don’t like the colds, flus, pneumonias and other sicknesses that spike during this time of year. Especially because they seem to hit our community SO hard. With that said, I wanted to share some natural prevention tips as well as some tips for when you do find yourself down with something.



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