
Mikayla McDonald

Being out in the woods hiking and breathing fresh air has always helped Mikayla feel healthy and clearheaded. She has found that yoga has this same effect. It allows her to de-stress, drain mucus from her lungs, and build strength. Exercise is very important to Mikayla. It helps her to feel empowered, and yoga is one way she can get that. She feels more grounded and mentally healthy as a result from practicing yoga regularly.

Paul McCormick

Paul loves to swim. The freedom of the water benefits not only his spirit but his lungs as well. He swims regularly at his local pool and usually swims half a mile. When he's done, he can feel that his lungs are clearer, and he's stronger and healthier overall. Having his lungs cleared from swimming helps him do his treatments more effectively as well.

Kate Marshall

Kate loves to play soccer and works really hard to stay out of the hospital so she can keep playing. Having CF has made her a stronger and more responsible person, and she wants to be a role model to others with CF. Playing soccer not only makes her physically strong, but it also makes her mentally strong.

Molly Manczuk

Molly loves to play volleyball because it is a fun and challenging sport. She is a second-time grant recipient who has used both awards to pay for her competitive volleyball team fees. Even at a young age, she knows how important exercise is in keeping a healthy CF lifestyle. "By having this grant, I can enjoy my favorite sport and continue to play it. This grant will help me stay active and healthy."

Grant Manczuk

Grant is a second-time CFLF grant recipient and has used both his awards to pay for his swim team fees. He loves to swim and run because they are both low-impact sports that allow him to exercise not only his lungs but his whole body. "The last CFLF grant allowed me to swim and make friends over swimming. Sports help keep me moving and help me feel better about myself." Grant plans on getting a swimming scholarship when he goes to college.

Drew Major

Drew loves to ski not only because he gets to go off jumps but because he can get fresh air. He has found that the jumps and bumps from skiing help clear his lungs. Skiing is a way for Drew to build his confidence while doing something fun with his friends and family.

Christa Lux

Although Christa's treatments can often interfere with fun activities that she wants to do, she knows that doing them and staying active are very important. She loves to play basketball because she has to run around and this increases her strength. She also likes getting to play with her friends and working as a team. She knows that all the running she does in sports helps to improve her lungs.

Kayleigh Lund

Cheerleading is Kayleigh's favorite activity, not only because she loves being with her teammates and coaches but because it keeps her strong and healthy. She loves to compete in front of people at competitions and do tumbles and stunts. She has found that cheerleading keeps her flexible and in good shape, which helps her stay healthy overall. The jumping and running around she does keeps her lungs clear and gives her energy to take on her CF. Kayleigh used her Recreation Grant to pay for her cheerleading team fees.

Matthew Lied

Matthew hopes that if he practices his karate and works hard that he will be able to continue lessons and get better and better. He knows that being able to do karate will be good exercise for him. It's hard to go out in the sun a lot, so being able to do karate regularly will be a good indoor activity for Matthew.

Matthew Lail

Matthew has always loved riding and showing horses. His family has had horses for years, and he feels that riding and showing are "in his blood." Other than riding horses, he has found that having a gym membership has helped his CF a great deal, and it makes him strong so he can keep riding horses. Going to the gym regularly gives him social interaction that he doesn't get as much since he stopped working. Matthew works really hard to stay compliant with all of his treatments and medications, and knows that a gym membership would help him to keep even healthier.


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