
Josilin Gibbs

In the last two years, Josilin has received Recreation Grants from CFLF for dance classes. Dancing is something Josilin loves to do, not only because it is a fun, social activity, but because it makes her stronger and healthier. "The grant made life better because I got to dance and it made me stronger and healthier and bigger. It makes me feel like a champion to do what I want to do and to be who I want to be." Josilin plans to continue taking dance classes and wishes to one day become a dance teacher.

Jason Gay

Jason enjoys playing soccer and baseball. His Recreation Grant enabled him to enroll in his school's after-school soccer program. "Soccer will help improve my life because it's good [for me]." Jason hopes that he will get to play as much soccer as possible in the coming year and remain healthy.

Shelby Gately

Shelby loves to play hockey and knows that if it weren't for how active she stays year round, she would not be as healthy as she is today. She is proud to say that she has never skipped a treatment and that she doesn't plan on ever doing that, nor has she been admitted into the hospital since she was 3. Shelby knows that this is because of how disciplined she is with her treatments and staying active through sports.

Larry Gainus

Larry has found over the last few years that working out and exercising has had a huge impact on his CF health. Being able to stay active gives him a sense of normalcy. Getting a gym membership would give Larry something to look forward to and would motivate him to continue to exercise and eat right. It would be a positive thing for him when a lot of the things he deals with on a daily basis are negative.

Matthew Courtright

Matthew loves to run around and ride bikes. He also likes to play basketball, swim and do karate because they are fun activities. He knows that karate helps him stay healthy by exercising his lungs and body.

Allison Gagnon

Doing gymnastics helps Allison clear her lungs while she is having fun. She likes getting to know the other people in her classes and learning new tricks, like back handsprings. Staying active with gymnastics also gives her more energy to do other things she enjoys.

Aaron Fox

Having been diagnosed only two years ago with CF, Aaron already knows just how important exercise is. His favorite physical activity is volleyball because along with having fun, it teaches him important skills like leadership, teamwork and perseverance. Physically, it helps him manage his CF because it makes him want to exercise, and mentally it helps him manage his CF by giving him a positive outlook on CF. "With CF, I know that exercise will always need to be part of my life.

Amelia Fortunato

Swimming makes Amelia feel good, and it's easier for her to breathe after she gets out of the pool. She loves to swim with her friends and hopes to one day be able to join the swim team. Amelia knows that swimming is good for her body, and she hopes to do it for a long time.

Cole Favro

Cole's favorite activity is karate because it helps his cystic fibrosis. The activities and things he learns in class help him to cough, which helps clear his lungs. His friend is a level higher than him, which helps him to work harder. He also wants to continue doing karate because he knows it helps him stay out of the hospital.

Robert Fahie

Robert loves to take walks and is lucky enough to live close enough to the beach to walk there. Walking next to the ocean calms his mind and reminds him to stay positive about his CF. Becoming a member at a gym would allow Robert to stay active year round. He wants to have a high quality of life, and he knows that working out will help him reach that goal.


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