
Michael Hebert

Michael enjoys playing baseball, flag football, street hockey, and basketball. He likes to hang out with his friends and play sports because it lets him feel like a normal kid. "This grant will help me have fun, and the sports are good for my lungs." Being able to attend summer sports camp will allow him to play lots of sports and meet new friends.

Michael Hanania

Michael loves to play sports because it keeps him strong and his lungs healthy. His favorite sports are soccer and football. Being able to go to sports camp will let him do all his favorite things, and it will help him improve his skills.

Rae Lynn Haliday

Rae has noticed the huge impact that working out 4 or 5 times a week has had on her lungs and overall strength. "I sleep better, I feel better, I breathe better, and my quality of life is much better." Pushing herself to keep exercising and staying physically fit also helps her lung function, which keeps her out of the hospital.

Sophia Haga

Sophia loves the feeling of flying through the air. In gymnastics she gets to do that, and hang out with her friends. Gymnastics makes her stronger and helps to clear her lungs. Being involved with gymnastics makes her feel healthier and motivates her to work hard and stay active.

Raizel Grossbaum

Having summer camp to go to each year gives Raizel something to look forward to. Doing treatments and taking medications can sometimes be hard and tiring, but when she goes to camp, she doesn't think as much about her CF because she's having so much fun. She likes to cook, do art, play tennis and swim at camp. Going to camp is her favorite activity, and she is sad when it ends.

Lauren Gregoire

Even with all the challenges that come with CF, Lauren is able to dance just as well as her peers. When she's dancing, she forgets she has CF until she's out of breath. Having CF and keeping up with all her treatments is stressful but being able to dance is something she feels lucky to be able to do.

Kasey Greene

Kasey's favorite physical activity is Tae Kwon Do. She feels that it's a great workout, and it teaches her ways to push her body. She has also noticed that it helps her to cough and clear her lungs afterward. Participating in Tae Kwon Do has taught her about patience and working hard.

Cameron Grant

Cameron loves to swim in the summer because it keeps him cool and active. Hot weather can be hard for him because of his CF, but being able to dive on the diving board, practice his strokes, and hang out with his friends at the pool is fun. Being able to go to summer camp will let him swim multiple times a day with all of his friends. At summer camp he will also be able to run around and play tennis and other activities that he likes. All the running around helps clear his lungs and keep him healthy.

Elena Goodrow

Elena loves to play outdoors. Her whole family loves to run, and she knows that running is good for her and makes her healthier. When she runs she feels like she could go anywhere. She also loves to feel the wind in her face. Doing weight training with other kids at her mom's gym would let her feel like a normal kid. Even though CF can be hard at times with all the medications and treatments, she knows that this, as well as exercise, will make her healthier.

Tara Gire

Since Tara was very young, she has loved to sing and dance. Participating in show choir allows Tara to do both of those things. She gets a lot of exercise and energy from performing with the show choir. Being able to share her love of music with others is very important to her. She not only gets to do something she loves, but she also gets to stay in shape.


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