
Trent Emmons

Trent used his Recreation Grant to take martial arts classes. His interest for both karate and tai chi were self-taught from books and DVDs, but he decided that in order to improve his skills and further his studies, he had to take classes. "This grant will help me learn a new skill and improve my lung power. It will help me get exercise and meet new people with the same interests." Trent also enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking and walking because he likes to explore. He also likes to go fishing and hunting with his father.

Klyn Elsbury

Klyn knows that staying fit and active is the only way she is going to be able to keep up with her peers and do the things she enjoys doing, like surfing, running, working out, and laughing. She knows that when she doesn't stay active she ends up in the hospital. She has learned over the years that in order to enjoy life, she will always have to work twice as hard as other girls her age.

Katherine Duffey

Katherine has seen over the years of living with CF that when she is exercising regularly she feels much healthier and stronger. Now that she has a child, she wants to do everything she can to stay healthy so she can be a good mother. Being able to run with her new baby in a good jogging stroller will help her exercise while taking care of her baby. She feels like she is a warrior and will never let CF stop her from doing what she loves.

Collin Dougherty

Collin's favorite activities are swimming and playing basketball. He finds that swimming helps his breathing because he has to hold his breath for a long time. Playing basketball helps his lungs because of all the running around. When he does these activities, it takes his mind off his CF and it lets him have fun. Being able to have access to a gym would allow him to exercise more and get healthier; it would also help him make new friends.

Ella Deveaux

Ella loves to dance. Even though she is experienced in jazz, tap and ballet, her favorite form of dance is jazz because it is fast-paced. "I like jazz best because it is faster. Because CF affects my lungs, giving them a workout helps clear them. Ballet gives them a good workout without tiring them out. When I'm dancing I can forget about my CF and have fun!"

David derKinderen

David's favorite activity is lacrosse. Besides working really hard in school to get good grades, he works hard at playing lacrosse. He knows that the running involved in this sport not only keeps his lungs healthy, but also makes him stronger. "Lacrosse helps me feel like a normal kid, and part of a team." David used his Recreation Grant to pay for his lacrosse team fees.

Katherine Daly

As a kid Katherine rode horses as part of her treatment for CF. Now as she has gotten older, she finds that it helps keep her in the present moment as well as giving her courage and making her happy. She finds that horseback riding allows her to connect with herself, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Horseback riding also helps to clear her lungs, and it makes her stronger and full of energy.

Abby Currie

Abby loves to do gymnastics. She likes to do back handsprings and jump on the trampoline. Going to gymnastics makes Abby happy and it keeps her healthy.

Charles Crowell

Being 52, Charles knows that finding ways to keep his lungs clear and strong is vital for his well-being. He has been doing pulmonary rehab for a while and has noticed that not only have his lung function scores gone up, but his weight has improved, and he finds it helps with depression. Having an activity like the pulmonary rehab to do also gets him out of his house and interacting with others.

Courtney Collins

Courtney is a committed and competitive volleyball player who continually strives to better her game. She finds that playing volleyball is of significant benefit to her living with CF both physically and mentally. "Volleyball helps to keep my lungs in shape as well as my body strong.


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